Our Vision

At Kingdom Global International Apostolic Center, our vision is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. We are dedicated to equipping and training believers and kingdom leaders, laying a strong foundation in the Word of God to build a strong end-time Church. Our mission and prayer is to see every person saved, healed, restored, and delivered through repentance, turning away from sin, and following Christ Jesus as His disciple.

Equipping Believers

Our vision is accomplished by building in the Spirit, according to the apostolic pattern Jesus established for His Church in Ephesians 4:11-13.  Jesus gave the fivefold ministry as gifts to the Body of Christ to equip them for their assignment or call of God, where standing in greater unity as one, with every joint (member of the Body of Christ) supplying (doing what God called each one to do) the Body of Christ can arise in the glory and power of the Spirit, fostering a greater level of maturity in the Spirit, to advance the Kingdom of God as a spiritual Kingdom of Light in this darkened world.

Through apostolic-prophetic vision and working in alignment with other Kingdom 5-Fold Leaders we host gatherings, empowerments, and online training to equip, and mobilize an army of Spiritual believers to advance the Kingdom of God with signs, wonders, and miracles through Holy Spirit, bringing in this last day harvest around the world, shining forth the image and Glory of JESUS!  Isaiah 60:1-2

Join Us in Advancing the Kingdom to the Nations!

Do you have a desire to be part of a ministry team and for God to send you to the nations?  Deborah has been called by God to lead apostolic teams to shift nations.  God has commanded that we "know" are in fellowship and relationship with those who labor among us.  If you sense God is aligning you with us, come get equipped!  You cannot just "GO" you must be SENT!  Extensive commitment, research and prayer in advance of the assignment to go will also be necessary.  We need both, those God is sending on the team and a committed Prophetic Team to be stationary during the assignment.  If God is tugging at your heart, please sign up for the training, "Shifting the Nations" on our event calendar, it is a prerequisite for anyone working apostolically to be part of our team.